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Digital Photographic Competition

Four times a year, in February, May, August and November we hold our DPC (Digital Photographic Competition). Yes, we compete, but it is really a learning exercise. There is no better way to improve your work than to receive constructive criticism from knowledgeable photographers. A panel of 3 judges evaluates each image submitted into the competition and they do it live via a Zoom meeting.

Our virtual DPC is held via which provides that service to many local and state affiliates across the country. charges each person competing a small yearly fee which gains access to all of the competitions run through that site including PPLAC and PPC.

PPLAC charges $15 per image (maximum of 4 images per DPC)

Here is what you need to do for the virtual DPC:

1. Sign up with Click HERE for the link.

2. Before you submit images, be sure to read the rules! A few things have changed since last year!

3. Go to, follow the instructions and load your images to the PPLAC DPC, and make your payment via credit card ($15 per image) The only time period to submit your images is the Friday through Sunday, two weekends before the DPC. The 2022 schedule and dates are below.

4. The DPC is conducted via a Zoom meeting for you to see the images and listen to the judge's comments. Click on "What's Next" under the drop-down menu under the "Calendar" tab above for the link to join the Zoom meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the "Contact Us" page above. 

2024 DPC Dates to remember:

1st DPC

February 5-11 Submission of images to

February 22 6:00pm Competition

2nd DPC

May 6-12 Submission of images to

May 23 6:00pm Competition

3rd DPC

August 5-11 Submission of images to

August 22 6:00pm Competition

4th DPC

November 4-10 Submission of images to

November 21 6:00pm Competition

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