
Standing Rules
Standing Rules

2021 Officers

Meetings and Events:
Meetings and Events:

Standing Rules
of the Professional Photographers of Los Angeles County
REVISED 1/27/2025
Changes in the Standing Rules for 2025 are in YELLOW below and will remain so for 2 months.
The membership of PPLAC shall consist of such individuals, firms and other organizations as may be eligible under the various classifications described in these rules, and whose membership applications are approved by proper action of the Board of Directors. Members shall be entitled to such services and privileges as shall from time to time be determined for their various classifications by proper action of the Board of Directors.
There shall be five (5) classifications of membership:
1. Premium - $220 Annual membership fee.
2. General - $120 Annual membership fee.
3. Aspiring - $75 Annual membership fee. (Max 2 years, then must change to General membership)
4. Student - $45 Annual membership fee. Must be full or part-time student (ID required)
5. Sponsor - $250 Annual membership fee or $500 in product/service.
Participate in DPC w/merits
Participate in DPC-critique only
Eligible for rebate on DPC (enter 3 competitions and receive 20% off 4th competition within same calendar year)
Eligible for 50% discount on membership renewal when you sign up a new member
Vote in PPLAC elections
Serve on PPLAC Board
Serve as a Chair or Co-Chair of committee
No charge PPLAC meetings
No charge for 2 PPLAC Workshops per year
No PPLAC charge for Outings, when applicable
Eligible for 50% discount on PPLAC Safari’s
PPLAC Monthly Newsletter
Eligible for PPLAC Workshop discounts
Eligible for PPLAC Sponsor discounts
No charge to attend annual Open House & Awards Banquet
Find a Photographer on PPLAC website
Eligible for PPLAC Year End DPC Awards
Contribute content to PPLAC Newsletter
Eligible for Spotlight feature in PPLAC Newsletter
A. Premium Membership: $220.00
B. General Membership: $120.00
C. Aspiring Membership: $75.00
Individuals who are new to photography and aspire to learn and grow their skills to professional level. Each individual may be an aspiring member for no more than two years in their lifetime. The total number of aspiring members cannot exceed twenty (20%) percent of the total membership of PPLAC. Aspiring members have limited membership privileges. May enter print or digital photographic competitions for critique only.
D. Student Membership: $45.00
E. Sponsor Membership: $250.00 or $500.00 in product/services
A manufacturer or firm providing photographic equipment, materials, laboratories, publishers, supplies or services to photographers (listed by company name). This classification includes electronic visibility and a display table with promotional opportunity at each meeting. Sponsors have limited membership privileges and may not enter print or digital competitions.
Promotions of products or services are limited to active, paid Sponsors at all General Meetings and the Open House.
F. Honorary
A PPLAC Professional Active member in good standing, who has performed outstanding service to PPLAC, or a Speaker. Must be nominated by two Board Members and receive a three-fourths vote of all members of the Board of Directors. The duration an individual will be an Honorary Member shall be determined for each individual by the Board of Directors when nominated. May participate in DPC for same fee as General member. Honorary members receive the same benefits as a General Member Level. If Honorary members wish to receive Premium Member benefits, they need to pay the difference between the General and Premium levels of membership (annually).
G. Life Member
All presidents elected for two consecutive full terms, in good standing of PPLAC, will be nominated for Life Member at the end of their second consecutive full term in office and must receive a three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members of the Board of Directors. May participate in DPC for same fee as General member. Life members receive the same benefits as a General Member Level. If Life members wish to receive Premium Member benefits, they need to pay the difference between the General and Premium levels of membership (annually).
H. Board Members
Annual dues for Board members (Officers: President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer) will be $60.00. Annual dues for Directors, Chairs, and Co-Chairs will be $80.00.
Meeting Guest Fees
Speaker Meetings: $20 (may be applied to membership if joining that same meeting or within 30 days.)
Speaker Meetings: $10 if signed up on Meetup Calendar. (May be applied to membership if joining that same meeting or within 30 days.)
Affiliate Members: 1 Meeting at no charge, $10 thereafter
Digital Photographic Competition (DPC): No Guest Charge
Annual PPLAC Open House: Fees to be established annually.
In all membership classifications, PPA and PPC membership is encouraged but optional.
The Board of Directors shall review, and update establish schedules of membership fees on an annual basis.
Any membership fees prescribed by the Board of Directors must accompany each application for membership.
•Applications for membership shall be submitted by the Membership Committee to the Board of Directors for approval.
•Each applicant shall meet all requirements set forth in the PPLAC Bylaws and Standing Rules to be accepted as a PPLAC member.
•Authority for the classification or re-classification of members or applicants shall rest with the Board of Directors.
It shall be the responsibility of every member, regardless of their classification, to advise the PPLAC Membership Director within thirty (30) days after a change in the member’s status that affects their membership or their membership classification.
It shall be the responsibility of every member to notify the PPLAC office promptly of any change in their name, business name, address or telephone number(s) email and/or website addresses.
A General Meeting that includes an announcement of the next year’s slate of the Board of Directors must be held each year in the month of November.
Monthly Meetings: There shall be at least ten (10) monthly meetings of the membership held each calendar year not including the January Open House/Board of Directors Installation.
Newsletter Editor shall publish all notices of all meetings of the Membership and the Board of Directors as required by law or by the PPLAC Bylaws via electronic newsletter.
Members shall be notified seven (7) calendar days in advance of each meeting.
The President shall select and appoint all board members subject to approval of the Board of Directors. Said candidates shall be PPLAC premium or general members in good standing. Following approval by the Board of Directors, the names of candidates shall be presented to the membership at the October general meeting and nominations from the floor of qualified members will be accepted. Final approval of the ballot of Officers and Directors will be made at the November meeting of the Board of Directors. See “Tenure and Limitations”.
Provision for Balloting
The election of Officers and Directors shall be by ballot sent and voted on only by current Professional PPLAC members in good standing via U.S. Post Office mail and/or by secure electronic voting software systems via members’ email addresses, as deemed necessary by the current Board of Directors. Ballots must be received no later than two (2) calendar days prior to the November Annual Membership Meeting. All ballots will be tabulated by the Secretary and two other members of the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. All candidates must have a majority vote of the ballots cast to take office. A second ballot to determine a majority vote for an officer where there is more than one candidate on the ballot for that office may be taken at the Annual Meeting. Candidates for Directors not receiving a majority vote will not be on the Board of Directors. The tally shall become the official result and must be published in the next electronic newsletter within thirty (30) days. All ballots must be kept in the possession of the Secretary for sixty (60) calendar days and made available to any PPLAC member.
Filling a Vacancy
In the event of the death, resignation or expulsion of any Officer or Director, the Nominating Committee shall present a nominee–who has either a Premium or General membership status in good standing–to fill the vacancy. Following approval by the Board of Directors, said nominee shall fill the vacancy until the expiration of the term.
Qualification for Voting
Voting shall be limited to PPLAC Premium and General membership members, in good standing.
Tenure and Limitations
A. With the exception of President, officers shall be elected annually to serve a one-year term or until their successors are elected.
B. The President shall have been an elected Board officer at least one full term prior to taking office as President and may only serve two one-year terms.
C. Directors shall have been members of PPLAC at least one year prior to taking office unless approved by the Board.
D. There shall not be more than one member of a studio or company/organization serving on the Board of Directors at any one time.
E. The immediate Past President or another Past President shall be appointed as Parliamentarian for a one-year term by the Nominating Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
F. Exception to these provisions of “Tenure and Limitations” shall require three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members of the Board of Directors.
Taking Office
The January meeting of the Board of Directors will be a joint meeting of the old and new Board of Directors. The outgoing President will call for the final committee reports and after disposing of business on hand will turn over the meeting to the incoming President. Upon transfer of the Presidency, the Board will vote whether or not to bestow a Life Membership on the outgoing President.
The new Officers and Directors will take office at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors in January preceding their official installation and will be responsible for the administration, direction and control of all functions for their term of office.
The President shall lead PPLAC, helping to determine the overarching goal of the organization; making and meeting yearly goals; managing each Board position to make sure the volunteer is able to successfully complete their duties; overseeing the integrity of the Bylaws and Standing Rules; leading the general meetings, representing the group at State and National meetings, and setting a high-caliber professional example for all PPLAC members.
1st Vice President
The 1st Vice President shall assist the President in his or her yearly duties as requested.
Engage General Meeting speakers, Programs and Workshops and manage their travel, dinner and speaking arrangements. Coordinate the judge’s notification of dinner location with the DPC director. The 1st Vice President will also manage the PPLAC Calendar, Meetup site and Social Media page(s). The 1st Vice President will represent PPLAC at State and National meetings when the President is not available.
2nd Vice President
The 2nd Vice President shall also assist the President in his or her yearly duties as requested.
Management of PPLAC membership, which includes coordination of new member outreach; communications with potential and current members; intake of new members and sponsors; organization and supervision of membership table at meetings; keeping sponsors current with paid fees or in- lieu product donations; collecting new member and guest fees to be passed on to Treasurer; and assisting with year-end voting preparations and tabulation.
The Secretary shall take minutes at all Board Meetings and distribute them via email in a timely manner to all Board members; send all ballot information to Webmaster; receive mailed ballots and give a tally to the Board; and inform Board of all PPA, PPC and PPLAC calendared events.
The Treasurer shall ensure that PPLAC operates within PPLAC’s approved budget and maintains the accurate records of all income and expenses; pay reimbursements; manage yearly tax reports; track required memberships such as PPC and PPA; receive monies and signatures at the Digital Photographic Competitions and report this activity to the DPC Chair; and present monthly financial reports to the Board.
The Webmaster shall be responsible for the design and maintenance of the PPLAC website, keeping all records and events on the site accurate and up to date, and for creating and emailing the monthly newsletter and all email blasts in concert with the Editor.
The Editor shall coordinate with the Webmaster to create and email the monthly newsletter and email blasts.
Digital Photographic Competition Director
The Digital Photographic Competition Director shall manage and conduct the competition according to the appropriate rules pertaining to print or digital competitions, keeping track of all entries and award winners and coordinating the year-end scores to determine the winners of the Photographer of the Year awards presented at the January Open House. Also responsible for selecting a DPC Committee to assist at each competition as needed; meet with selected judges before each competition to discuss PPLAC’s categories and choose a judge for the yearly Open House Judge’s Award or may ask the President to choose a judge.
Fundraising Director
The Fundraising Director shall obtain all goods earmarked for silent auction or drawings, receive and distribute as necessary all in-lieu sponsor donations; collect said monies for Treasurer and conduct the events at pertinent General Meetings.
Hospitality Director
The Hospitality Director shall be responsible for procuring all refreshments for the General Meetings, purchasing the food and drink to be offered to members, setting up and taking down the refreshment table, and maintaining an accurate accounting of refreshment expenses for presentation to the Treasurer.
DPC Co-Chair
The DPC Co-Chair shall assist the DPC Director in his or her duties as directed by the DPC Director.
Editorial Co-Chair
The Editorial Co-Chair shall photograph each General Meeting, as well as events and other programs, and provide these images to the Communications Director and Editor to be used in the newsletter or other appropriate communication, while assisting the Editor in his or her duties if requested.
Hospitality Co-Chair
The Hospitality Co-Chair shall assist the Hospitality Director in his or her duties.
Membership Co-Chairs
The Membership Co-Chairs shall assist the 2nd Vice President/Membership in his or her duties, as well as coordinate and manage Sponsor outreach.
Fundraising Co-Chair
The Fundraising Co-Chair shall assist the Fundraising Director in his or her duties.
New budget items or proposed increases in existing budget items will not be transferred or pulled from other existing line or budget items. New or proposed increases will be made as negative or in-the-red line items to more accurately reflect future budgetary needs. Funds for new budget items or increases in existing line items should be verified to exist in other line items or be paid for by corresponding increases in estimated income.
All reimbursable expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer within 90 days of the expenditure to insure payment. Detailed receipts or vouchers must accompany all Reimbursement Request Forms, without which, no payment will be made.
All expenses exceeding the amount allotted by the budget must have the consent of the Board of Directors before being committed, except those expenses up to 10% over the allotted a mount maybe approved on an emergency basis provided the PPLAC President and/or Treasurer have been contacted and have given approval.
The funds for all PPLAC committees shall be maintained in the account of PPLAC unless otherwise directed by the Board or established by the bylaws of the corporation.
Proposed income and expenses of PPLAC funds shall be submitted to the Board of Directors.
The PPLAC President or designated representative shall be reimbursed for PPC-related travel and lodging expenses for up to four PPC Board Meetings per year.
Reimbursement shall be for up to two nights’ lodging, plus gas or plane fare (whichever is cheaper) for PPC Board Meetings in Northern California, and one nights’ lodging and gas for Southern California meetings.
A 1st Vice President or designated representative who intends to succeed to President the immediate following year shall also have PPC-related travel expenses for up to four PPC Board Meetings per year reimbursed following the same guidelines as Presidential reimbursement.
All funds for events, projects and membership dues shall be collected only by appropriate committee chairpersons, to be accurately recorded on the official books as maintained by the Treasurer.
PPLAC Digital Photographic Competition Rules and Entry Specifications
The DPC (Digital Photographic Competition) is one of the most important events held by PPLAC, the Professional Photographers of Los Angeles County. Members who take advantage of PPLAC’s image competition seminars, workshops and mentoring opportunities will enjoy continuing development of the art and craft of their photography through a process of review and constructive critique. Current PPLAC members in good standing are eligible to enter the Digital Photographic Competition. The rules are enforced at the discretion of the DPC Director with the PPLAC board having final judgment of any disputes that arise. There will be four (4) quarterly digital photo competitions: February, May, August and November (or as adjusted by the Board of Directors.)
1. All PPLAC active Premium, General, Honorary and Life members may enter digital image competitions. Related trade, Sponsoring, Student and Aspiring members are eligible for judge’s critiques and merit qualification but are not eligible for Best of Show or Best of Category or any end of the year awards.
2. Affiliates: A member of another PPC affiliate has limited membership privileges and can only enter Digital Photographic Competitions for Critique Only. Members of other affiliates may attend general meetings at no charge as long as no member fees are charged. Workshops may be attended at the same cost as PPLAC member fees for that workshop.
3. Anti-Award Farming Rule - A PPLAC member with membership in another PPC affiliate can enter PPLAC’s DPC for “critique only” if that member is competing in the other affiliate’s image competitions. He/she will not be eligible for PPLAC’s DPC and year end awards. If the member is NOT competing in the other affiliate’s image competitions, he/she may enter the PPLAC DPC for awards.
4. A maximum of four (4) entries per member may be submitted per competition. IMPORTANT! ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED via the PrintCompetition.com website BEGINNING at 12:01 THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH IN WHICH THE DPC IS TO BE HELD THRU SUNDAY at 11:00 PM, TWO WEEKENDS BEFORE THE COMPETITION. If, for whatever reason, a person cannot submit their image(s) within the allotted timeframe, they are to contact the DPC Director who will request an Exception to Policy with the PPLAC Board. The PPLAC Board will then vote whether to approve or deny the Exception to Policy request.
5. Entry fees: $15.00 per image.
6. The entrant certifies that he or she has created, captured, edited and created the original exposure. The processing, image enhancements and any special effects must be done by the entrant or under the entrant’s direct supervision.
7. You may not enter an image that was made under the supervision of an instructor, given as a class assignment or created while attending a class or workshop.
8. No two entries (unless entered by different makers) shall be of the same subject within the same DPC (e.g., same model, but different poses or clothing).
9. If your image merits, you cannot enter a similar image that was taken at about the same time, position, lighting and subject matter that makes it almost indistinguishable from the merit image in the same calendar year.
10. Previous Entered Images Eligibility:
a. You may resubmit an image that did not previously merit, but entries that previously merited 80 or above at PPLAC may not be re-submitted.
b. Entries previously entered and/or merited at another PPC affiliate competition, any merited image from any PPC State Competition or any "Finalist" images in the PPA International Photo Competition (IPC) may not be entered into a PPLAC image competition.
c. Any image entered in PPA's Monthly Image Review (MIR), regardless of outcome, may be entered.
d. Critique Only images may not be re-entered since they have received a judge's critique during competition which is viewed as a learning tool for this membership category.
11. Entries previously submitted to a PPLAC competition scoring 79 or below may be re-entered one additional time, but only if modified. Critique Only category images for any level may not be re-entered.
12. The Image Maker must obtain all necessary releases and agree to hold PPLAC harmless against all claims and liabilities arising out of PPLAC’s consideration, display, publication, promotion or other use of each image or other materials submitted to PPLAC.
The Digital Photographic Competition has ten (10) image categories:
Critique Only (CO), Architectural (A), Commercial (C), Electronic Art (E), Landscape (L), Nature (N), Open (O), Portrait (P), Photojournalism (PJ), Wedding/Event (W)
1. Critique Only (CO)
Critique Only is meant to help Student and Aspiring members further their skills and improve in the craft with the goal of participating in DPC to earn merits. The image may be from any of the categories below and will be judged the same but without the announcement of a score. Judges are encouraged to critique the image to help the member. These images will only receive a “merited” announcement if scored 80 or above, which will count as a “virtual” merit, but is NOT eligible for any awards or ribbons. This also applies if you belong to another affiliate, other than PPLAC, and wish to receive a judges’ critique.
2.Architectural (A)
Architecture: Exterior and/or interior Images of structures. Structure must be the dominate feature. May include people.
3.Commercial (C)
Industrial, tabletop, advertising, stock and aerial images. The image must be from an actual commercial assignment. Industrial, tabletop, advertising, stock, web page or aerial images are included in this category. A tear sheet, a screen capture of the legitimate website from the image or statement of purpose is requested, but not required. If there is a tear sheet of the image, please bring it to the DPC and hand it to the DPC Director in an appropriate envelope prior to the start of the competition.
Lack of tear sheet or image capture could undermine your score but is not mandatory. Make sure your name is not visible on the image or tear sheet.
Stock images, photographed on spec, do not qualify because they are not for a specific commercial assignment.
Example Subjects:
Composition (non-Landscape/Nature)
4.Electronic Art (E)
Entries may be reproduced from existing photographs, portraits, graphics or any other artwork so long as the entrant is prepared to provide appropriate written documentation indicating permission for usage. The final result is a factor, but the execution of technique and degree of difficulty are also considered. Guide images must be included on image to help the judges understand the process used and techniques involved in creating the final image.
The purpose of this category is to allow the entrant to demonstrate their electronic imaging skill and expertise. Entries will be judged for digital, artistic and technical proficiency. Entries must have been sourced, composited, manipulated and/or produced by digital means by the creator.
Examples are:
Preconceived/Created images. Software created images built primarily in the computer.
Overly processed, painterly and/or special effects.
Images predominantly created from multiple images.
5.Landscape (L)
Images of landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes and nightscapes being the dominant subject. People can appear in the image.
Example Subjects:
Landscape: An image showing a land scene, which is the predominant feature of the image and the rest of the image being water and/or sky.
Seascapes: An image of a body of water either salt or fresh, such as an ocean, sea, lake, or any deep, broad river with the water being the predominant feature of the image and the rest of the image being land and/or sky.
Cityscape/Nightscapes: Any view of a city, especially large urban centers
6.Nature (N)
Images where the flora and/or fauna are the dominant subject, and no man-made objects are visible. No studio lights or studio backgrounds may be included. However, Speedlights, flashes and on-camera flashes will be allowed as long as the net effect is that the lighting looks natural (naturally part of the natural scene). If it is obvious that the subject has been artificially lit, the image should be entered into the Open Category. That said, in the case of either category, the judges can comment on the quality of the lighting.
Example Subjects:
Flora: All forms of plant life; the whole or any part of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, weeds, grasses, ferns, mosses, fungi, lichens, seeds, fruits, etc.
Fauna: All forms of animal life; mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, spiders or any aspect of their life such as dens, nests, eggs, tracks, discarded antlers, spider’s webs, etc.
7.Open (O)
Images representing an alternative type of creativity, photography and does not meet the requirements of any other categories.
8.Portrait (P)
Photographs captured of an individual or a group of two or more people of any age in a studio or in an outdoor setting. Portrait lighting is essential in this category where the photographer has control of lighting, posing, situation, wardrobe, and/or setting.
This category may also include portraits of pets or other animals created in a portrait-like setting with or without people.
Example Subjects:
High School/Senior/Individual.
Glamour/Boudoir/Fine Art Portraits.
Sports/Team Portraits.
9.Photojournalism (PJ)
Image captured at the peak of action and telling a story. Nothing may be altered, added or removed. Cropping, minor dodging and burning, dust spot removal and minor curve adjustments are the only treatments allowed. No color enhancements are allowed, but conversion to black and white is allowed. Maker must be prepared to submit the original file at any point for verification.
10.Wedding/Event (W)
This category is meant to be in the spirit of a photographer working with actual clients in the confines of wedding portraits and wedding photojournalism or any religious ceremony taken before, during or after the event. This includes “trash the dress” or any other event associated with the wedding, as well as Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, Quinceañeras and similar events.
IMPORTANT! ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED via the PrintCompetition.com website BEGINNING at 12:01 THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH IN WHICH THE DPC IS TO BE HELD THRU SUNDAY at 11:00 PM, TWO WEEKENDS BEFORE THE COMPETITION. If, for whatever reason, a person cannot submit their image(s) within the allotted timeframe, they are to contact the DPC Director who will request an Exception to Policy with the PPLAC Board. The PPLAC Board will then vote whether to approve or deny the Exception to Policy request.
Images submitted must meet the following guidelines or they will not be accepted.
1. There is no required format for image file names. File names are for the maker's use only and have no bearing on the judged images.
2. Image size may be any shape with the longest dimension being 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi).
Images larger than 4,000 pixels on the longest side will not be accepted.
a. File size must not exceed 3.5MB.
b. Embedded Color Profiles: sRGB or Adobe RGB only. Any other color space will result in disqualification.
3. Images must be submitted through the PrintCompetition.com website during the image submission dates (see schedule.) Payment must be made during the image submission process (American Express, MasterCard or VISA only).
4. You will receive a confirmation email from the DPC Director informing you of your image submissions within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation, please submit an email to the DPC Director by accessing the PPLAC website Contact Us page and selecting the DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION (DPC) option.
5. With the makers consent, the DPC Director may reassign a photo to another category which they feel is more appropriate. If the maker does not agree, they may request the photo be withdrawn and a refund issued.
6. Once submitted, changes are authorized up to the closing date of submissions per PrintCompetition.com availability.
The point system is used with scores from 100 to 0:
100-95 Exceptional
94-90 Superior
89-85 Excellent
84-80 Deserving of a Merit
79-75 Above Average
74-70 Average
69-65 Below Exhibition Standards
Critique Only Images: Under the Critique Only category for Aspiring, judges will score but only to decide if the image would merit. If the score is an 80 or above, then it will be announced that the image merited (no score) and a critique will follow from one judge.
Images are judged utilizing the following 12 Elements of a PPA merit image:
Color Harmony
Center of Interest
Print Presentation
Subject Matter
Story Telling
Technical Excellence/Print Quality
Three judges will score each image using the above-mentioned 100 to 65 scoring range. Each image receiving a score of 80 or higher will be considered a Merit image. A judge or judges may discuss or critique only after all scores have been recorded. Judges may challenge another judge’s score decision.
All images that receive a judge’s score ten points higher or lower than the average score will automatically be challenged.
For example:
Judge 1 – 88
Judge 2 – 87
Judge 3 – 84
Judge 4 – 90
Judge 5 – 75
The average score would be 85, (84.8 rounded up to 85). Judge No. 5 is 10 points away from the average and the image would be “challenged”.
Should a judge recognize an image, that judge should step aside, and the DPC Director or Moderator will appoint an alternate person to judge the image.
Under the Critique-Only category, a score of 80 or above will count as a “virtual” merit but is not eligible for any awards or ribbons. Critique-Only category images will not be revisited for up or down vote.
PPLAC DPC Awards – For each Digital Photographic Competition (see schedule) PPLAC awards the following (Critique-Only images do not receive awards):
Award of Merit: A score of 80 to 100.
Best of Category: Judges will choose one image from the Best of Category images.
Best of Show: Judges will choose one image from the Best of Category images.
PPLAC Category End-of-the-Year Awards – There can be up to nine (9) category winners:
Architectural Photographer of the Year
Commercial Photographer of the Year
Electronic Art Photographer of the Year
Landscape Photographer of the Year
Nature Photographer of the Year
Open Photographer of the Year
Portrait Photographer of the Year
Photojournalism Photographer of the Year
Wedding/Event Photographer of the Year
PPLAC Category of the Year Award
1. To qualify for the Category Photographer of the Year Awards, the photographer must score an 80 or above on three separate photo competitions within the same category.
2. The award is given based on the highest total score of an individual’s three highest scoring entries in a single category.
3. If there is a tie between two or more photographers in a category, the DPC Director will select a qualified judge outside of PPLAC who will decide the winner.
PPLAC Overall Photographer of the Year Award
1. To qualify for the Overall Photographer of the Year Award, the photographer must score an 80 (merit) or above twice in three different categories (excluding Critique Only) and the six qualifying images must be from at least three different PPLAC competitions (not from the same DPC) with no more than two qualifying images from each DPC.
2. The award is given based on the highest total score garnered from the highest scoring entries from each of the six different qualifying images. One additional point will be added to the total score for each Best of Category win throughout the year.
3. If there is a tie between two or more photographers, the DPC Director will select a qualified judge outside of PPLAC who will decide the winner.
PPLAC Photograph of the Year
1. For an image to qualify for the PPLAC Photograph of the Year, it must have been awarded with a Best of Category award during the year.
2. After the final DPC of the calendar year, the DPC Director will assemble a separate three-judge panel who will review all of the Best of Category winners from the year's quarterly DPC's. By process of elimination and discussion, the three-judge panel will select their favorite three images and then rate them in order from first place to third place. (The same photographer can win multiple awards: It is the photograph that is judged, not the photographer!)
3. At PPLAC's Open House and Award Ceremony, the following three medals are announced and presented:
The first-place winner is the Gold Medal Photograph of the Year
The second-place winner is the Silver Medal Photograph of the Year
The third-place winner is the Bronze Medal Photograph of the Year
PPLAC Annual Judge's Choice Award
The President or DPC Director will select a SECRET judge at the PPLAC Annual Open House. The judge will select one image from a display of printed images provided by the PPLAC members.
ANY PPLAC member in good standing can bring one printed image (no longer than 36 inches on the longest side) for the Judge's Choice Award during our Annual Open House. Prints must be mounted and can optionally be framed. Any medium is acceptable (paper, gallery wrap, metal, acrylic, etc.) Member must be present to win.
All images and content are ©.